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Episode 115: Dan Cooper aka DB Cooper and Zodiac Coincidences? - 3-1-24

We talked about the Zodiac Killer’s cutout communication on the Leo and Cancer Horoscope letters eluding the “the bird (airplane) flies south” which DB’s flight from Washington to Reno is south, and the statements “555” and “3 of a kind” and DB’s flight number is 305 that originates from Washington DC where the last DC Freeway Phantom murder occurs 6 days prior to the hijacking. Take a look at communications that are Zodiacesque, and see the evidence that suggests these crimes are connected.

Hit the Road Jack: Finding the Zodiac is broadcast live Fridays at 10AM PT.

Hit the Road Jack: Finding the Zodiac is viewed on Talk 4 TV (www.talk4tv.com).

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