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Oct. 7, 2022

Zodiac Killer Fakes and Jack W. Tarrance, Jr. Compared

Zodiac Killer Fakes and Jack W. Tarrance, Jr. Compared

We will cover a few of the latest and greatest fakes that occupy the message boards and media of the disseminator's camps. Mostly to misconstrue any real solve with the “look over here’ tactics while they bury what used to be the truth. We will see...

We will cover a few of the latest and greatest fakes that occupy the message boards and media of the disseminator's camps. Mostly to misconstrue any real solve with the “look over here’ tactics while they bury what used to be the truth. We will see why I feel that there is no connection between these falsely accused individuals, and the differences that account for Jack EVER being the only real good suspect for the Zodiac Killer murders of 5 people and the injury of 2, so they say!

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Featured Episodes

July 21, 2023

Zodiac Killer and Jack Case Summary

I will report on the known evidence in all the Zodiac Killer attacks while revisiting other cases with similar MO’s. I will sort out the inconsistencies in eye witness accounts, official reports, and newspaper coverage. You will get to see …

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July 21, 2023

Zodiac The Untold Story by Dennis Kaufman

Nanette Barto discusses untold Zodiac stories Hit the Road Jack: Finding the Zodiac is broadcast live Fridays at 10AM PT. Hit the Road Jack: Finding the Zodiac is viewed on Talk 4 TV (http://www.talk4tv.com). Hit the Road Jack: Finding the …

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July 20, 2023

Meet Jack and View the Handwriting

Nanette Barto takes a look at Jack's handwriting Hit the Road Jack: Finding the Zodiac is broadcast live Fridays at 10AM PT. Hit the Road Jack: Finding the Zodiac is viewed on Talk 4 TV (http://www.talk4tv.com). Hit the Road Jack: …

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